Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ayam Bach!

Kedah is a place where people play recordings of birds so birds would come… In other words, it’s a rather noisy place. Haha :)


Most of my time there were spent in the hospital, waiting for my mother to finally emerge from the operation room. My strong, loud mother; my superwoman; my mother.

But, who came out, was so different, so weak, so soft, so frail… that it hurts me.

Sigh. But healing will come soon; recovery is expected, for God will, and can, heal, She will become the lively character she had been, and maybe even better. :)


For those who do not know, my mother is currently in a stable condition, under the care of nurses in the ICU of Kampar Medical Centre. Though, she’ll soon be transferred to the Kampar GH.

The operation was successful, thanks to God’s grace.



Goodness! This is the 1st emo blog post! I hope this is the only emo blog post ever written by me.

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